Round 1: Lucky Money Facts
Which number is considered the luckiest in Chinese culture when it comes to wealth?
Answer: 8 (It sounds like “prosperity” in Chinese.)
What color is traditionally associated with wealth and prosperity in many cultures?
Answer: Gold
What is the term for accidentally finding money on the ground?
Answer: Serendipity
Which country has the highest number of billionaires?
Answer: The United States
Round 2: Money Superstitions
True or False: Keeping a jar of cinnamon near your door can attract wealth.
Answer: True (Many believe cinnamon attracts prosperity and positive energy.)
What is a common superstition about putting your wallet on the floor?
Answer: It means you’ll lose money or struggle financially.
What is considered bad luck to give as a gift in China because it symbolizes financial loss?
Answer: A wallet without money inside.
True or False: Some people put a coin in their shoe for good luck before making an important financial decision.
Answer: True
Round 3: Millionaire Mindset Facts
What is the most common trait among self-made millionaires?
Answer: Persistence and a strong work ethic.
Which billionaire famously started his business in a garage?
Answer: Jeff Bezos (Amazon) and Steve Jobs (Apple)
What percentage of millionaires are self-made, rather than inheriting their wealth?
Answer: Around 80%
True or False: The majority of lottery winners lose their wealth within a few years.
Answer: True (Many winners mismanage their money and go broke.)
Bonus Round: Strange Money Facts
What’s the largest denomination of U.S. currency ever printed?
Answer: $100,000 bill (Used only for transactions between Federal Reserve Banks.)
What is the official term for fear of money?
Answer: Chrometophobia
What is a ‘lucky penny’ supposed to bring if you find it heads-up?
Answer: Good luck!
Which animal is a symbol of wealth in Japanese culture?
Answer: The Maneki-neko (beckoning cat)